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List of Important Days and Dates of Assam 2022

Important Days and Dates of Assam 2022 : Here is complete list of Important Days and Dates of Assam. The list includes important days in January, important days in February, important days in March, important days in April, important days in May, important days in June, important days in July, important days in August, important days in September, important days in October, important days in November, important days in December.

Important Days and Dates of Assam

The provided list is very important for the Assam state Competitive Exams. This list will also boost your Assam GK and help you prepare for the upcoming Assam competitive exams. Here are some national and international important days and dates along with the important days and dates of Assam. Let's have a look at the complete list of important days and dates of Assam

Important Days in January

12-January National Youth Day
15-January Indian Army Day
17-January Silpi Divas (Assam)
25-January National Tourism Day
26-January Republic Day

Important Days in February

2-February World Wetlands Day
4-February World Cancer Day
21-February Chilarai Divas (Assam)
28-February National Science Day

Important Days in March

3-March World Wildlife Day
4-March National Safety Day
8-March International Women's Day
22-March World Water Day
28-March Jaya Smriti Divas

Important Days in April

7-April World Health Day
৭-বহাগ Sati Sadhani Divas
18-April World Heritage Day
12-April World Earth Day
25-April World Malaria Day

Important Days in May

1-May International Labour Day
2-May Mother's Day
31-May Anti-tobacco Day

Important Days in June

5-June World Environment Day
20-June Bishnu Rabha Divas (Assam)
3rd Sunday/June Father's Day
27-June World Diabetes Day

Important Days in July

11-July World Population Day
29-July International Tiger Day

Important Days in August

12-August International Youth Day
15-August Independence Day
20-August Sadbhavna Divas
29-August National Sports Day

Important Days in September

5-September Teacher's Day
8-September World Literacy Day
27-September World Tourism Day

Important Days in October

2-October International Day of Non-violence
8-October Indian Air Force Day
16-October World Food Day
24-October UN Day

Important Days in November

14-November Children's Day
19-November World Citizens Day
24-November Lachit Divas (Assam)

Important Days in December

1-December World Aids Day
2-December Sukapha/Assam Divas
10-December Human Rights Day,
Swahid Divas (Assam)

Disclaimer : If you find any spelling or other mistake in the given list, then contact us. We'll rectify it.

important days and dates of assam